Clubbing Baby Seals Dance Stop Clubbing, Baby Seals

This post isn't near seals in any manner shape or form. It IS nearly clubbing even so, and so I thought it was a good chance to employ the slightly misleading title, and too this pic:


Stop clubbing, infant seals! – The political party lifestyle is clearly taking its toll on these guys.

Right and then, now I've got that out of my system, let's talk near clubbing. I used to Beloved clubbing. Nowadays, nigh invitations to become out to a gild are met with a flake of a 'meh' response from me.

Why? I don't really know. So this post is a hazard to ramble a bit and explore the journeying of my attitude towards clubbing. Thrilling.

Beginning of all, when I was nearly fourteen, I used to become to an 'underage' society called Teenculture. It was a 'infant' version of one of Birmingham's most established and long-running rock club nights, Subculture, and ran once a month, from most 7pm until 11, or something along those lines. Anybody used to get all emo'd up, like this:


Me, circa 2006. Alternative caption: "MYSPACE <3"

And we all used to drinkable vodka from Lucozade bottles in Pigeon Park from midday (sorry, mom) and peak besides early on before the club had even open. Scenes like this were not uncommon:


2005. Nearly 4pm, probably. I'g the ane at the meridian in the centre. I'm pretty certain if someone had had swiped a make-up wipe across the pile of us, they could have made at to the lowest degree two brand new eyeliner pencils with the remnants.

And so I turned eighteen, and clubbing was pretty much entirely the same except for I went to the grown upwardly version, Subculture – basically, the only differences were: nosotros were legally allowed to drink in in that location, it finished afterward, there queues were shorter, there were less fights, and less pretend lesbians necking. (Booo).

So, you tin can imagine how much of a civilisation daze information technology was when I then swanned off to uni. 'Uni clubbing' seemed to be a whole different thing, with demands that I couldn't become my caput around.  For a kickoff, it was generally not adequate to skulk forth to the club looking as if you'd only crawled out of a vat of eyeliner and spiky dog collars (don't go me wrong, my uni had a very successful and pop Stone Guild, notwithstanding by the fourth dimension I went forth it seemed like anybody already knew everyone else and breaking into firmly stablished friendship groups or cliques is a Very Difficult Thing). Instead, in the general realm of 'Uni Clubbing' you had to habiliment brusk dresses and 'proper' make-up and dance properly to music made past computers instead of jumping around and shoving each other to music made by instruments and voices. Somehow, I managed to adapt to this Brave New World of clubbing, and for nigh of the first two years of uni I was all over that shit, yo. Literally, in first yr I went clubbing at least twice a week most weeks, a little less in Yr two just still a lot.


2009, Gatecrasher. This is what 'me embracing Proper Clubbing' looks similar. (I am a tit).

And then BAM. I tin can't pinpoint exactly when, but at some point I decided I did Non savour clubbing. At all. Instead of beingness a fun way to trip the light fantastic toe and piss about with friends, it turned into something that I did non encounter the point in. For the past…probably near 2 years, my thoughts on going to nightclubs are this:

– At that place's no betoken in going if you lot don't want to pull. Or trip the light fantastic toe. But if, similar me, you trip the light fantastic toe like a defenseless fish as it desperately tries to breathe and flops out its concluding painful moments on the deck of a boat, and are very aware that those around y'all have spotted this and are somewhat puzzled equally to why you would ever move like that in public, then – in that location is no point going if you don't want to pull.

Fish dance

Me, performing the dance of my people, whilst simultaneously escaping the unwanted advances of a predatory male.

– There is no point going if you can't wait the part. And, betwixt carrying all the extra weight I piled on whilst at uni and the effects that ageing and my past 'bad habits' are already having on my face, there is genuinely no way I can wait adequate in clubs. It's an annoying no-win situation – if I try to slip past unnoticed by dressing down, people will call back 'why are't you dressed upward?! What's wrong with you?". Notwithstanding if I apparel up, it will expect like I misguidedly think I tin can pull the whole 'dressing up nicely' matter off. I can't.

Why tin't more things be fancy dress? Pretty much every 2nd night out at uni was fancy dress. This solves the 'looking the part' trouble quite nicely. Rawr.

– There is no point going if yous'd rather take conversations with people than exhale your vodka fumes all over their face as y'all get uneccessarily shut to their ear to shout something at them over the music which they don't hear anyhow but it doesn't matter because you're then drunk you lot instantly forget what you just tried to tell them.

What trying to talk to people in clubs looks like. (If you don't know what video this is a still from, a) I am disappointed in you lot, b) click the motion-picture show to discover freaky musical wonderfulness).

I don't know why I suddenly started feeling like this. Maybe it'south because I'm getting older – a few of my friends seem to experience the same fashion, run across below. But then, I know loads of people who are my age or older who dearest clubbing, then information technology can't exist that alone. Maybe it's considering I stopped putting stuff that I actually shouldn't have up my olfactory organ.

If you're innocent enough to call back that I mean similar this exSTRAWdinary scene in The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, then, stay innocent, I guess!

Whatever the reasons for my change of heart, I find information technology rather annoying. I do miss how much fun I used to have going clubbing. Don't get me wrong, I still do enjoy it, sometimes…but nowhere near as much as I used to. Out of fright that I was going Quite Mad, I decided to ask a few of my friends for their thoughts and feelings on clubbing. Hither is what they had to say: (For confidentially reasons, all quotes are anonymouse. That is not a spelling mistake or a typo).


Source: Blueturlte7645 WordPress

Squeaky*, 22

"When I turned 17, I started to exit to night clubs with my friends. Usually nosotros went to rock clubs or rock gigs that had a society night later. I was single at this point and found the whole feel very heady and new. At that place were several aspects of clubbing that I actually enjoyed. I liked the music, being with my friends, drinking alcohol, dancing, but the most exciting part of clubbing was the possibility of meeting new people. For a lot of people, clubbing is near meeting someone with whom they tin can strike upwardly a relationship. This may just be for a brief sexual run into, maybe even just to experience contact with another. For example dancing together or kissing. Information technology may however be used to facilitate the beginning of a long term relationship. Personally, my favourite part of clubbing was coming together someone new and feeling that excitement you go from flirting with someone you lot will probably never see again. I could be anyone I wanted to be because I knew it was just for that night, in that lodge.

I am now in a long term relationship which began earlier I started Uni meaning I was never single during my 3 years there. When nosotros went out to clubs, I would often feel out of place and wonder why I had bothered going because unless yous are there to meet, flirt or "get with" someone, the dancing and drinking part felt somewhat pointless. I was and still am very happy in my relationship therefore I didn't need or desire to appoint in whatsoever emotional or physical attraction with another individual. Also, occasionally when guys would come on to me, it was awkward telling them that I wasn't interested as i had a boyfriend. This was oft met with the response "well why are you here then". I started to think, hmm why am I hear? All the fun had drained from the clubbing feel and I felt bad-mannered being around my friends who were clearly trying to find guys they wanted to sleep with. I don't get clubbing anymore because I just don't see the point when y'all're in a human relationship."

Source: nuclear mouse

Speedy*, 21

"I dislike clubbing because people can become aggressive when they've had too much to drink, clubs tin become to crowded and the music can be far to loud. Bar queues can be horrendous. I do like clubbing because information technology is a fun manner to enjoy a drink and a dance with a large group of friends and it is great to come across new people. Usually I've always found people to be friendly and everyone but wants to trip the light fantastic toe with anybody."


ChiChi*, 23

"Clubbing makes me experience kind of depressed. What is it merely fat girls in dresses that are likewise tight trying to get attention from ugly men in v-necks? Telephone call me contemptuous, only it's truthful. And withal… if I (hopefully non a fat mouse in a dress that is too tight) don't get whatever attention on the trip the light fantastic toe floor… I experience that the night is ruined…even if I'chiliad not on the pull. My problem? Or merely an inevitability caused by the civilisation of clubbing? On the plus side… when 1 is in a relationship one can throw shapes that are purely preposterous, practise the robot, take the piss – because trying to wait attractive is no longer an issue… these are the times when clubbing is fun. That is, if you can cope with all the drunken couples who are necking, when you are not necking. Which I tin't…. cue drunken jealousy. Overall though, if you lot are not tanned, skinny and wearing a very revealing dress (and pulling it off) … clubbing will make you lot experience zippo but inadequate. Inadequacy leads to leaving early which leads to eating which leads to guilt in the morning. As if a hangover weren't enough!"


Pippin*, 23

"The affair that i like well-nigh clubbing is the exact aforementioned thing that makes me dislike information technology .
I like that clubbing provides a release for people at the end of their working week . For some people who have ho-hum menial jobs "living for the weekend" is the just thing that keeps them going and i don't call back that anyone has the rite to approximate people for this as long as these people are not harming others in the process.
The downside to this is the same as any other addiction , when people come to rely on it besides much it can exist a drain on their health and can cause other problems in their lives. It is likewise a lark from problems in their normal everyday lives that they do not have the power to face to."

*All names and photos have been changed. Patently.

I was relieved to find out I was non alone in terms of feeling like pulling is one of the main 'objectives' of a dark out at a club, and also in terms of worrying about what one looks like and what other people are thinking near this.

I hope you enjoyed this post about nil in detail. I'd exist interested in hearing more people's thoughts on this not-actually-important-simply-still-kinda-interesting-well-interesting-to-me-at-least-and-apparently-also-to-the-lovely-kind-anonymice-whom-I-thank-very-much-for-providing-their-opinions issue.

Peace and fucking. x


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